Accessibility Accommodations

We offer a variety of accommodations to help make Dyke March accessible to everyone. Please fill out the form linked here to request any of the below, or even a custom request that will help you join us this year: Accessibility Accommodations Request Form.

ASL Interpretation

We offer ASL interpretation at a variety of events, like the annual Dyke March Raffle, Dyke Trivia, and even the March itself. Whether it is interpretation for a host of an event or to make the March itself more accessible for marchers, our interpreters help ensure more of our community feel welcome and included at our events.


For 2024, there will be a masked section in which masking is required. It will be near the front of the march and will be clearly marked by marshals carrying signs. If you need help finding it, please ask any Dyke March marshal.

Other Needs

On the day of the March, marshals will have accessibility goody bags with masks, ear plugs, and other assorted items. Accessibility marshals will have these to distribute, please ask any marshal and they can get an Accessibility marshal to come and share with you.

Sighted Guides

We are happy to offer sighted guides for the march for anyone who needs them. Please fill out our accessibility request form so we can ensure a guide is available for you when and where you may need them.

Spoons for Dykes

Sometimes, dykes find themselves running low on spoons by the time Dyke March day is here. It’s hot, Pride month is coming to an end, it’s a lot. We are proud to offer reimbursement for dykes who need a taxi, uber, etc. to save them enough spoons so that they can join us for the march. See Spoons for Dykes form here where we can help reimburse you.


Free wheelchairs are available for all or part of the march to *anyone* who needs one. We never ask questions on need, but we do know that in past years these chairs have helped make the march more accessible to individuals with limited mobility, pain, chronic illness, and those recovering from gender affirming surgeries. Wheelchairs can be pushed by one of our accessibility marshals, or if you would prefer a family member, friend, lover, etc. we can simply loan you the chair. Please reserve your chair prior to the march via the accessibility request form, as availability may be limited the day of. If there are extra chairs, we are happy to provide them to anyone requesting, even if they did not reserve one beforehand.